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Self Portrait | Dale Hooley Photography
Self Portrait | Dale Hooley Photography

Fancy seeing you here!!! You little nosey-parker, you…

So, you want to know a little bit more about me and my little journey? OK, here’s a short story.

– Once upon a time, a 29 year old man took it upon himself to pursue his teenage dreams of becoming an actor. He worked hard, he built up a strong network of people within the entertainment and arts industry. As his experience grew over the first 4 years, he took his hand to script-writing, which naturally brought on a ‘lightbulb moment’ for him to purchase a camera and a couple of lenses with the plan (and hope) that he would be able to create not only some short scenes to gain camera experience, but with a small intention that it could lead to something more, on a professional level.

(Are you still with me?)

After a few months of brainstorming script ideas, writing short films, and constant YouTube abuse with learning the basics of filmmaking, he decided that he might just be out of his depth with filmmaking (for now….keep reading), but what was he going to do with the small investment he has just made on the cameras, lenses, lighting and accessories?

He fell back on to his little network of actors and filmmakers he had met and/or worked with over the previous 4 years, and decided to look into the brilliant art of actor headshots. There was a very long way to go, but he knew he had to start somewhere – and this is where it all began.

He proposed free headshots for a select few people within his network of industry professionals, to not only start to put things into practice, but to also use the equipment he has invested in. There were trials, there were tribulations, and there was everything in between, but as he kept practicing on his little guinea pigs, he saw improvements in his work – whether that be his communication, his editing, his lighting…and whatever else he needed to get a grasp of, he kept seeing moving forward, and seeing his improvements (YouTube was still being abused at this point).

(WAKE UP!!!!)

Fast forward another couple of years, the mass world of photography started to look clearer. He started to take walks, go to farms, and generally just work on as much of his photography as possible. As the improvements and knowledge grew, he invested in a better camera, better lighting, filming equipment, and also started to take aim at a small studio space he had been offered. This then led to a growth in his own trust and confidence, giving him the freedom to start to offer a wedding photography service, as well as asking a friend or two to stand in for him for some modelling photoshoots. Fast forward another two years (to 2023) and his journey is going from strength to strength. He’s striving towards becoming a better photographer, relying heavily on his own trust to give his clients the photographs they have not only paid for, but what they deserve.

In between all of this, in recent years, he has improved on his knowledge and experience within the filming industry (both filming and photography), often working for/with Totally Showreels; a production company who offer corporate videos to businesses, and showreels to industry professionals.